It's hard to believe that my little brother will be joining me in my college town in less than a week! The past two years have absolutely flown by & as I start to realize that I'm halfway through with my undergrad, I also find myself caught in restrospect of the past two incredible years. I have grown so much in all aspects of my life & I have gone through more than I ever would have imagined. Thinking back to my freshman self, I wonder how I might have reacted if someone older than me had given the thought to share their realizations with me... If I were speaking to my former self.. what would I say?
Dear Freshman Me,
It's likely impossible to imagine that this cold, tiny room will ever feel like "home," but give it a couple of days. You're already confident, but just rest assured that you are more than prepared for this huge step. Two years from now, you'll laugh at yourself for being so nervous. It's okay. Everyone is. The things that you're the most worried about-- whether you'll still want to transfer to Chapel Hill in a year, whether you'll get into a good sorority, whether you'll be able to keep your grades high, whether you'll make friends: these things will all take care of themselves. You already know how strong of a person you are. Have faith.
This doesn't go to say that you won't make plenty of mistakes, though. Dear God. You will make some mistakes. Some words of wisdom:
1. Throw yourself fully into everything that you do. If you're going to halfway do something, you might as well find something you're more passionate about.
2. You're going to get your heartbroken. It's going to hurt. Terribly. You still won't learn from your mistakes though, and you'll go on to put yourself in even more situations that will lead to all sorts of pain. Just keep your head up. There's nothing you can do. Time heals all wounds.
3. Set high standards for yourself and for all men you even consider trusting. You won't understand this one for a while... but I promise you will.
4. Cherish the friendships that are two-way streets. Forget about the ones that don't put in the effort or that only exist when times are good. This too, will be painful. Just love the one's who love you back.
5. Keep in touch with the friends who have always been there. You may be in different towns now, but they have cared through thick and thin.
6. Become as involved as possible. You won't look back at college and wish you'd slept more.
7. Remember that the company you keep speaks volumes about how much you respect yourself.
8. Learn to forgive. And equally as important: learn to forgive yourself.
9. Remember that you're never too old to call your mom & dad for advice.
10. Take care of yourself. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. This one's the kicker.