1. I can actually eat the food that I buy at the grocery store, instead of someone else destroying it before I can get it into the refrigerator.
2. I can fill my entire apartment with holiday scented candles UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF JULY and no one can tell me I'm being ridiculous.
3. I can accept date invitations to ANY fraternity events that I wish to attend. At any college that I wish to visit.
4. I can wear leggings and t-shirts/Nike shorts and t-shirts EVERY single day, and no one will tell me I'm "letting myself go."
5. I can also wear my favorite dresses out without anyone complaining that they are "too short."
6. I can go shopping without anyone telling me that I'm wasting my money.
7. I don't feel like I ever HAVE to be the designated driver.
8. No one tells me that I spoil my dog or that I'm too nice to her.
9. I am the judge of how good my cooking is. And I say it is fantastic.
10. I can blast Dave Matthews without anyone changing it to rap or punkrock. (Amendment: I would give up my Christmas candles to marry Dave.)
11. I don't have to listen to complaints about how many guy friends I have. (Note to future boyfriend(s): They've been here since kindergarten. They're staying, whether you do or not.)
12. I don't base my schedule on anyone except for myself..... And my dog.
13. I can get excited about sorority events without anyone telling me that they don't sound very fun or that they're stupid.
14. I can watch every single Harry Potter movie in one day, on a Sunday, instead of football, because guess what? The Panthers SUCK this year, and I don't really care to watch every other team in the NFL play on repeat ALL DAY.
15. This also goes for Monday night football and EVERY OTHER NIGHT of the week. Not that I dislike football. I just really like being about to watch it when I WANT to.
16. I can watch every single Red Sox game & not be told that baseball sucks.
17. The only rumors that I hear are about what I did the night before, not who my boyfriend is cheating on me with.
18. Boys buy you more drinks at the bar when they hear you're no longer tied down.
19. Now, I obsess over boys treating me the right way as opposed to constantly obsessing over how I'm being treated poorly.
20. I can shave my legs when I want to. Which is every day. But that part is irrelevant.
21. My lime green toenails can exist in that color at peace from criticism.
22. I can sleep in flannel shorts or ratty t-shirts. And spend the next half day in them.
23. I can eat spaghetti-O's and lean pockets for dinner. For a week straight. Without complaint from anyone.
24. I can and did just apply to NYU on a whim. Because I had been wanting to. And there is no one to hold me from going or not going.
25. The only insecurities I have to deal with are my own.
26. People in long term relationships are fatter, on average, than those who are single.
27. Compliments from others aren't expected, so when they come, they feel deserved and/or intentional.
28. I can go to church on Sundays, if I want to, without thinking that I'll ever "change" someone else.
29. No more guys hiding in my phone under girl's names (sorry.)
30. I can pour my energy into my friendships and my passion into my goals.
31. I can clean my apartment at 3 am instead of rushing to have it neat by the time my boyfriend arrives.
32. I'm sure others will critique my body, goals, and decisions in many ways, however none of these people are close enough to me for it to hurt me. The people I allow close enough to hurt me, are the ones who I trust not to.
p.s. If you were to decide to put a ring on it, these are the rings that one day, someday, maybe, perhaps, (Harry, Tiff or David) will end my single streak.

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